Home Element Group 17 Elements

Group 17 Elements

Group 17 Elements in Periodic Table

Group 17 elements also called the Halogens family in the periodic table contain the chemical element fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At) with ns2 np5 valence shell electronic configuration. These chemical elements are one electron short of octet configuration or the nearest noble gas electronic configuration. Therefore, these elements share one electron to form a covalent bond or gain one electron and form an ionic bonding. The name halogens are derived from the Greek word halo means salt and genes means producing. Therefore, these seven highly reactive non-metals in the periodic table are called “halogens”. They give salts when they react with metals. The position of halogen elements in the periodic table is given below in the picture,

Group 17 elements in the periodic table

The detailed properties, use, and compounds of halogens are given below the individual topics in learning chemistry.

Iodine (I), chemical element, Group 17 (Group VIIA) of periodic table or a member of the halogen family has used in the manufacturing of various compounds


Iodine Element Iodine is a chemical element of Group 17 (VIIA) of the periodic table. The nonmetal iodine is a member of the halogen family...
Bromine (Br), red-brown fuming liquid and chemical element of Group 17 ( VIIA) or halogen family of periodic table used to prepare many industrial compounds


Bromine Element Bromine is a chemical element of Group 17 (Group VIIA) or the halogen family of the periodic table with atomic number 35 and symbol...
Chlorine element symbol, facts, uses and periodic table properties of greenish-yellow gas molecule


Chlorine Element Chlorine is a nonmetal or chemical element of group-17 or the halogen family of the periodic table with the symbol Cl and atomic...
Fluorine element chemical symbol and the periodic table properties


Fluorine Element Fluorine (chemical symbol F), chemical formula F2, atomic number 9 is the most electronegative and most chemically reactive member of the halogen family...