Nuclear Fission
What is Nuclear Fission?
Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction where a heavy nucleus of an atom is split spontaneously to produce two or more smaller...
Nuclear Fusion
What is Nuclear Fusion?
Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction where very light nuclei of chemical elements can be joined or fused to form heavier...
Nuclear Binding Energy
How to calculate nuclear binding energy?
Nuclear Binding energy can calculate from the expected mass of any nucleus from the knowledge of the nuclear composition...
Radioactive Isotopes
What are radioactive isotopes?
Radioactive isotopes or radioisotopes of a radioactive element are atoms of the same element with different mass numbers. Isotopes of a...
Alpha Beta Gamma
Alpha beta gamma rays properties
Alpha, beta, gamma rays radiation in radioactivity is the spontaneous radioactive decay of atomic particles in the form of energy...
What is Radioactivity?
Radioactivity is the phenomenon of emission of radiations as a result of the spontaneous decay of alpha, beta, and gamma particles or...
Radioactive Decay
What is radioactive decay?
Radioactive decay is the spontaneous disintegration or emission of atomic particles like alpha, beta, gamma from the nuclei of radioactive substances...