Home Chemistry Gas Laws Ideal Gas Law Problems

Ideal Gas Law Problems

Ideal Gas Law Problems and Solutions

Ideal gas law problems and solutions contain online quiz questions and answers for school college grades or class chemistry students to help in examinations. Among the solid, liquid, and gaseous states of matter, only gas molecules allow for a simple comparative study of pressure, volume, and temperature. Molar mass, volume, temperature or critical temperature, density, kinetic energy, specific heat, and diffusion are the basic properties of gases. The ideal gas law defines the gases that obey the ideal gas equation in all temperature and pressure. An ideal gas is a hypothetical gas consisting of identical particles of negligible volume with no intermolecular forces. Practically there is no ideal gas and the concept of the ideal gas is a theoretical one.

Ideal gas law problems with solutions contain the online questions answer for 9, 10, 11, and 12 grade or class chemistry students

Before starting to solve the questions on ideal gas law, read the properties of gas molecules and different types of laws related to the gaseous states of matter. Start the test below and solve the ideal gas quiz to test your knowledge about ideal gases:

Ideal gas law quiz problems solutions

Ideal Gas Law Problems

Which among the following gases can be liquified easily?

A Van der Waals gas behaves like an ideal gas when

The density of ammonia at 5 atm pressure and 30 °C temperature is

What is the SI unit of Van der Waals constant a?

The molecular weight of 12.8 g gas of which occupy 10 liters at a pressure of 750 mm and at 27° C?

The total kinetic energy of 0.5 mol of an ideal gas at 273 K

The number of molecules presents per ml of an ideal gas maintained the pressure of 7.6 ×10-3 mm of Hg at 0°C

The density of ammonia gas at 100⁰ C, when confined by the pressure of 1600 mm Hg

Find the extent of deviation from the ideal behavior of 2 moles of nitrogen gas occupying 10 lit volume at 270°C
Given, a = 1.4 atm liter2 mol-2 and b=0.04 lit mol-1.

The root mean square velocity (RMS) of oxygen gas at 27 °C is