Home Element Metal Vanadium


Chemical Element Vanadium

Vanadium is a chemical element or shining silvery-white, low-density, transition metal of Group 5 (VIB) of the periodic table with symbol V and atomic number 23. It is widely used for alloy making and alloyed with steel and other metals like iron, copper, nickel, and aluminum. These alloys are used for making springs and high-speed tools. Pure vanadium metal is soft, malleable, and ductile but impurities make it hard and brittle. It has the highest melting point in the first transition series with a stable +5 oxidation number or state which is not strongly oxidized. The melting point and density of vanadium higher than those of titanium suggest the greater involvement of d-electron in metallic chemical bonding. The white shining cubic crystal lattice, vanadium has the valence shell electron configuration [Ar] 3d3 4s2.

Vanadium (V), chemical element transition metal of Group 5 (VIB) of the periodic table has properties to used in alloy making

Properties of Vanadium

Symbol V
Discovery Andrés Manuel del Rio in 1801
Name derived from After Vanadis, the old Norse name for the Scandinavian goddess Freyja
Common isotope 23V51
Oxidation states +5, +4, +3, +2, 0
CAS number 7440-62-2
Periodic properties
Atomic number 23
Relative atomic mass 50.942
Electron per cell 2, 8, 11, 2
Electronic Configuration [Ar] 3d3 4s2
Block d-block
Group 5
Period 4
Physical properties
State at 20 °C Solid
Melting point 1910 °C, 3470 °F, 2183 K
Boiling point 3407 °C, 6165 °F, 3680 K
Molar heat capacity 24.89 J mol−1 K−1
Crystal structure body-centered cubic (bcc)
Density 6.11 g/cm3
Electrical resistivity 197 nΩ m
Atomic properties
Atomic radius (non-bonded) 2.07 Ã…
Covalent radius 1.44 Ã…
Electronegativity 163 (Pauling scale)
Electron affinity 50.655 kJ mol−1
Ionization energy (kJ/mol) 1st 2nd 3rd
650.91 1410.42 2828.08

Vanadium in the Periodic Table

It is placed in group 5 and period 4 of the periodic table. Vanadium is a transition metal that lies between titanium and chromium.

Vanadium element or d-block transition metal symbol V and position in the periodic table with atomic number, electronic configuration

Who Discovered Vanadium?

The presence of a new element in some Mexican lead ore was first discovered by Spanish mineralogist Andres Manuel del Rio in 1801. He named it erythronium from the Greek letter erythos meaning red.

In 1830 Swedish chemist Nils Gabriel Sefström found the same element in the Swedish iron ore which produced different types of compounds with a variety of beautiful colors. Therefore, he named the chemical element vanadium according to the Scandinavian Goddess of beauty, Vanadis.

The English chemist Henry Enfield Roscoe in 1831 first isolated the metal by hydrogen reduction of vanadium chloride (VCl2).

In 1925, the American chemists John Wesley Marden and Malcolm N. Rich prepared the pure form of the metal (99.7 percent) by the reduction of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) with calcium.

Where is Vanadium Found?

Vanadium is the fifth most abundant transition metal and the twentieth most abundant chemical element among all periodic table elements. It presents 0.0136 percent of the earth’s crustal rocks.

Various minerals (carnotite, vanadinite, roscoelite), coal, and crude petroleum oils are the main sources of vanadium. It occurs generally in different countries like Venezuela, Mexico, China, South Africa, and Russia.

Some mineral water springs and certain invertebrates and plants have a high concentration of vanadium in their body.

Production Process

The chemical element vanadium is mostly obtained as a by-product in the production of uranium from carnotite.

  • The crushed and concentrated ore is roasted in the air and leached with sodium carbonate solution to produce sodium uranyl carbonate and sodium vanadate.
  • The mixed compounds pass into the filtrate for separation.
  • The filtrate containing sodium vanadate is treated with ammonia or ammonium chloride to precipitate orange ammonium vanadate. NaVO3 + NH4Cl → NH4VO3 + NaCl
  • Alternatively, the sodium vanadate solution was acidified with dilute sulfuric acid (pH scale 2 to 3) to precipitate polyvanadate.
  • The ammonium vanadate is ignited to produce black pentoxide (V2O5), a black color due to the presence of impurities.
  • The oxide mostly (90 percent) is used to make ferrovanadium steel.
  • Metallic vanadium is finally obtained from the oxide by reduction with hot calcium in an inert atmosphere.

Purification Process

The metal is purified by conversion to VCl4 followed by reduction with magnesium. However, a very pure form of vanadium is obtained by pyrolysis of VI3 (van Arkel process).

Most of the commercial-grade vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) is converted to ferrovanadium, an alloy containing 50 percent iron.

Chemical Properties of Vanadium

Vanadium has a total of five electrons in valence orbitals and shows all the oxidation states +1 to +5, among these +2 and +5 states are stable and mostly important in chemistry.

Aqueous chemistry is characterized by polymeric species generally known as isopolyvandates. V (IV) is most stable under normal conditions, represented by the halides and vanadyl ion (VO+2).

V (II) is a milder reducing agent than Ti (III) and is stable in an aqueous solution. In the +1 oxidation state, it is strongly reducing in nature and rapidly oxidized in air and water.

Chemical Compounds

Vanadium Oxide

Vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) is a commercially important chemical catalyst used during the production of sulfuric acid and electrodes in redox batteries.

The lower oxides are obtained by heating metal with excess oxygen. Pure vanadium oxide is an orange crystalline solid (melting point 670 °C) but the technical variety is brown.


In learning chemistry, the halide of vanadium contains the chemical formula VXn (where X = halides), but VI4, VCl5, VBr5, and VI5 are extremely unstable or do not exist.

VF5 is the only pentahalide in the +5 state prepared during the heating of the metal with fluorine at 300 °C or disproportionation of VF4. It is a violent oxidizing and fluorinating agent.

Three tetrahalides of vanadium in the +4 state are prepared by direct reaction of metal with fluorine, chlorine, or bromine. They act as a Lewis acids adduct by bases like SeF4, NH3, and pyridine.

In +2 and +3 states all the di or tetra halides are stable at room temperature.


It forms any oxohalides having the chemical formula VOmXn. The oxy trifluoride may be formed during the reaction between VF5 and air.

VOCl3 and VOBr3 are the most common and important oxides of metal obtained by the action of Cl2 or Br2 on V2O5 or a mixture of V2O5 and carbon.

Organometallic Compounds

In organometallic chemistry, the chemical element vanadium forms sandwich-type complexes with cyclopentadiene and benzene. Vanadocene is also a paramagnetic violet-black solid largely applied in organic chemistry.

When VCl3, 3THF is treated with a large excess of lithium phenyl in ether, the purple complex Li4[]VPh6, 3.5 Et2O is obtained.

What is Vanadium Used for?

  • Vanadium is largely used in alloy steel for making industrial springs and high-speed tools in the aerospace and defense industries.
  • A small percentage (0.1 to 0.3 percent) of vanadium metal combines with carbon present to form a steel that contains finely dispersed carbides like V4C3. It generally increases the mechanical strength of the alloy at high temperatures.
  • Chrome vanadium steel is also very suitable for making shafts, axles, and motor car frames. Useful alloys are formed with other metals like copper, nickel, aluminum, etc.
  • In the nuclear power plant, vanadium or its compounds are a suitable material to construct the structure of the nuclear fusion reactor.
  • It is a good scavenger in metallurgical operations to remove the last traces of oxygen molecules.
  • Vanadium and its oxide compounds are mostly used as a chemical catalyst in organic and inorganic chemistry, for the oxidation of naphthalene to phthalic acid, toluene to benzaldehyde, hydrogenation of alkene or olefins, and aromatic hydrocarbon.